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Craps Tutorial

crapsOne of the most popular casino game played today the Craps. In it you will see complex table layouts, a variety of betting options and also a huge crowd around the table. Many beginners may get scared off by that, but the truth is that at the moment Craps plays more money than any other casino game.

This game has an excellent social appeal which earns it the ‘love’ of many players. Huge crowds are present around the area in casino where Crap is being played. But to ones astonishment, the game deals with more etiquette and superstition than any other casino game. So before thinking of approaching the table one should get familiar with these superstitions or you may get yourself in trouble by blurting the word ‘seven’. These superstitions and myths might come from the fact that Craps is one of the oldest gambling games . In fact, it’s the oldest recorded game played with dice.

A player with a good proof strategy can get an edge over the house playing Craps. This is concidered as having the best odds among other casino games.

Learn more about Craps