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Summer Holiday – Video Slot Review

Summer HolidayIf you want a ridiculously new way to look at the online video slot machine, Microgaming might have introduced exactly what you are looking for. It is called the Summer Holiday online video slot machine and it has new innovations in both the numerical sense of the term as well as in the thematic sense.

By the numbers, you will not see that much different in terms of the reel configuration. There are five reels, which is the typical amount for video slot machines these days. However, something new that is worth mentioning about this game is that it has 100 pay lines. Yes, that is not a typo. The game actually does have 100 pay lines. That really borders on ridiculous and what’s more it ends up resulting in a maximum jackpot worth 2.25 million coins. Even with one cent bets, that is a lot of dough for the average person to win.

In addition to the excellent numerical ascendancy that this game brings to the table, another thing to like about it is the fact that it has a very nice theme for this time of year. As the name of the game might imply, the theme of this slot machine is summer.

For that reason, you will have summer fruits and vegetables as well as pictures of people on the beach and enjoying other summer activities. With all kinds of fun going on like biking, hiking, boating and drinking a glass of cold water on a hot summer’s day, you should almost feel like you’re outside just by virtue of playing this game. In the end, there is also a Summer Holiday symbol that could change your life for real if you are lucky enough to get enough of them on the reels when you spin. All in all, Summer Holiday has everything that makes a good online video slot machine.

You can find Summer Holiday Video Slot at Microgaming Casinos.

Summer Holiday Released Date: Jul, 2009.